Encourage Growth

TreeImagine less testing and more creative learning for a moment. Every single teacher spending less time under mounds of paper, trying to select the „correct“ grade and more time being inspired and bringing that creative inspiration, which was surely once at the core of teaching, back to their beleaguered students. Think about it.

How many kids would get something more out of Shakespeare or Krleža if were they encouraged to interpret it with some freedom, feel it, act it, develop on it rather than learning grand swaths of it by rote? In the words of Sir Ken Robinson – British educator and leading thinker on educational development: „We must change from an industrial model of schooling to an agricultural one“. He knows that an education system designed to be a place where the seeds of talent are sown, and then nurtured in a more natural and instinctual way, is asking for nothing short of a revolution in how we think and teach to think.

Extract from article by Paul O’Grady “Growing People”