Business English

How do I teach differently to get better results?

I have worked since 2002 teaching business English in Croatia with a range of top businesses and motivated individuals. It is clear from over 12,000 hours of experience that when student’s come to to me they have a large resource of English knowledge (Passive Reserve), which they do not actively use.

Passive Resreve 05

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This passive reserve is language you “know and understand”, but do not use in your day to day communication. It represents upwards of 60% of a students total language knowledge (active & passive). In parallel with leading teaching methodology, activating this passive reserve is achieved by building personal confidence to use your full language knowledge. To this end I have developed a unique skill set to solve this specific challenge, to make my teaching and your learning the most effective it can be.

How is this achieved?

It’s about using my extra skill sets to understand each and every individual I teach, your needs, challenges and in what specific way you learn most effectively. I can help you build your confidence to use English from day one – emails and customers are already waiting! This applies from beginner level students to CEOs, who have to present and communicate competently and confidently to large groups of people. Some people have learning “blocks”, often going back to their schooling. I use my full skill set to move these and accelerate the learning process.